MongoDB, son of a biscuit
Why I want to complain about MongoDB?
If you think only run brew install mongodb
, you are totally wrong.
The biscuit thing is setting up dbpath for it. It took me almost 20 mins to make it work and start mongodb’s server!!!
sudo mkdir -p /data/db
sudo chmod 0755 /data/db
sudo chown {userName}:staff /data/db
Log tracker
Using mongojs for nodejs and mongodb integration, the mongojs module is easy to use for CRUD operations.
The biscuit thing is that mongodb server log cheat me!!! When I insert one message for one collection first time, the logger print out. Then I insert some, it shows nothing. So I am trying to figure out why I can’t insert successfully. It tooks me 1 hour to check my code and google the reason.
Finally, I run db.{collection_name}.findOne(key:value)
and db.{collection_name}.find()
, all message are saved without any logger!!! T.T
Basic Usage
Start mongdb server: mongod
Access mongdb using console: mongo
Get basic command: help
Intergrate with nodejs
MongoJS is a brilliant little Node.js package that lets you access MongoDB using an API that is extremely similar to MongoDB’s JavaScript shell.
Add mongojs dependency into package.json file, run npm install mongojs
Add mongdb configuration into app.js file like following:
var mongojs = require('mongojs');
var databaseUrl = "mydb";
var collections = ["users"]; // Collections is a set (array) of collections our application uses
var db = mongojs.connect(databaseUrl, collections);
db.runCommand("mongo"); //Trigger the mongdb server log to make sure connect successfully!!!
Then db.users.find/save/update/delete
to implement CURD Operations.